A New Toy
On April 23rd, BitTorrent Labs announced a new offering called BitTorrent Sync (btsync here after for short). The project was quickly adopted by users and within 2 weeks, a Petabyte of data had been synced by users, between their devices. That is an amazing amount of data!My Issue
Personally, I have been using DropBox for quite some time and have a plethora of files stored in my account. So much, that I needed to make room for other things that I need to store.The Setup
I had thoughts of documenting all of the steps that I took to get btsync installed and running on my 2 systems, but in lieu of re-documenting everything, I figured that I would share the tutorial that I followed for my installation.
While Bittorrent does have documentation on the main site, I found the above tutorial a much better guide to follow for the setup process.
What stinks is there isn't any man page or help guide for the btsync command. But, thankfully you can do the following to get the usage statement:
btsync --help
and that will print out what the options are for the command. The setup is pretty straightforward with very little, on your own hacking (even though there is nothing wrong with a little bit of that.
What stinks is there isn't any man page or help guide for the btsync command. But, thankfully you can do the following to get the usage statement:
btsync --help
and that will print out what the options are for the command. The setup is pretty straightforward with very little, on your own hacking (even though there is nothing wrong with a little bit of that.