Monday, October 06, 2014

Problem Found With Autoenv

When I first posted about virtualenv a few months ago, I was in the middle of learning to use and configure it.  Since then, I have created a script to create my basic project structure (including creating bitbucket and/or github projects) that also initialized git for you.  All in all, I wanted to be able to run the script and have it setup everything so that I could just start my coding.

As I was using my script though, it did what I created it to, but unfortunately I started to notice that after it was run, my environment would "activate" (quotes used on purpose) when I changed to the project directory, but not really.

Early on I gravitated towards using autoenv to auto-activate my environment when I simply cd'd into the project directory structure.  While this is a really cool tool, it is supposed to source $project_dir/bin/activate to activate the environment.  Unfortunately though, when I do a "which python" after changing to a project's directory, the system python path is provided when it should be referencing the python in the projects environment.

In the testing that I have done, this seems to be a bug with autoenv.  Thankfully though, its not the type of bug that is a project killer, just an annoyance.  For the time being, I plan on adding a sourcing of the activate file to the .env file in each project, as doing so seems to be a valid workaround.  I am also researching this to see if anyone has reported it to the developer.  If not, I will open an issue with them.

One note though, is that once activated via my work around above, you will need to deactivate the environment when you are done and exit the projects directory structure.  This can be done by running the 'deactivate' command.

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