Monday, June 11, 2007

The Art of the Automated Download

How many of us have found a site that ended up having a whole bunch of files on the site, for download, that you really wanted? Well, I found a site just like that. Too many sites use PHP or something else, to where it used ID's and other codes to refer to the documents, instead of just putting links into their web pages. Once in a while though, you do come across a site that DOES put the actual links to the files on the page.

In the case of the site that I am referring to, there are a little over 2000 files that I wanted to grab. The thing is, I didn't want to have to site there and "right-click-save as" for each and every one as that would have taken "days" to complete. So, noticing that all of the files had actual URLs that led right to them, I looked at the page source. There it hit me. Perl!

So, I copied the source and quickly drummed up a regular expression which grabs all the URLs of all of the pdf files on the page. After I grabbed the URLs, I put together some code which quickly went out and grabbed each and every one in turn and saved it to my hard drive.

This sounds all simple and stuff, but for someone like me who still considers him a novice in the Perl world, it did take a couple of hours of research. First I tried to use the "WWW::Mechanize" module and was able to retrieve a complete list of the pdf files and their paths, but not the actual files. I tried other packages and such, delving into LWP itself, but I could not for the life of me get this code to actually download the files.

I found "lwp-download" and gave it a shot. Wow! It looked like it was working, up until the 904th document, where it died. I couldn't figure it out nor understand what was going on. Why was this dying at the same point every time. Well, I did eventually figure it out and was able download ALL of the over 2000 files to my hard drive. I couldn't believe it, but the routine I used only took a few minutes to download all of the files (granted, I have 15 Mb FiOS for my internet, so please bear that in mind as well).

Just as an FYI (and you can get this looking at the code, I used the LWP::Simple::getstore() routine to download the files. It was a lot easier than going through the process of figuring out why my WWW::Mechanize wasn't working, believe me. I will figure that module out later, but for now, this did exactly what I wanted.

This is probably a bit much and others would more than likely have a better way to do it, but here it is. Here is the code I used to parse HTML code for its links and download them.


use strict;
use warnings;
use File::Basename;
use LWP::Simple;

# Read the entire HTML file into an array, line by line so that we can
# parse out the information we need, one line at a time.
my @code = `cat /home/jlk/development/perl/stampAlbums/code.txt`;

if (-e "/home/jlk/development/perl/stampAlbums/files.txt")
`rm /home/jlk/development/perl/stampAlbums/files.txt`;
`touch /home/jlk/development/perl/stampAlbums/files.txt`;

foreach my $line (@code)

# The following code takes the site's html file(in this case, it
# is the download site) and parses out all of the
# downloads URL's.
if($line =~ m/^\s+ {
my @splitLine = split(/\"/, $line);

# Now, open the file in which you will store all the URL's to
# the files and write each URL on a seperate line.

open(FILES, ">>/home/jlk/development/perl/stampAlbums/files.txt");
print FILES ("$splitLine[1] \n");


# Open the file containing all of the URLs
open(FILES, "< /home/jlk/development/perl/stampAlbums/files.txt");

# Do the download of the files
my $localdir = "/home/jlk/development/perl/stampAlbums/albumPages/";
my $path = "$_";
my($filename, $directories, $suffix) = fileparse($path);

LWP::Simple::getstore($_, $filename);

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